La ballade de Jack et Rose 2005


A father and daughter isolated on an island off the East Coast and living on a once-thriving commune grapple with the limits of family and sexuality.

Todos los títulos
  • The Ballad of Jack and Rose
  • US: The Ballad of Jack and Rose The Ballad of Jack and Rose
  • AR: La balada de Jack y Rose La balada de Jack y Rose
  • AU: The Ballad of Jack and Rose The Ballad of Jack and Rose
  • BR: O Mundo de Jack e Rose O Mundo de Jack e Rose
  • BG: Балада за Джак и Роуз Балада за Джак и Роуз
  • FR: The Ballad of Jack and Rose The Ballad of Jack and Rose
  • DE: Jack & Rose Jack & Rose
  • GR: Tzak & Roouz: Balanta gia dyo Tzak & Roouz: Balanta gia dyo
  • GR: Τζακ & Ρόουζ: Μπαλάντα για δύο Τζακ & Ρόουζ: Μπαλάντα για δύο
  • HU: Jack és Rose balladája Jack és Rose balladája
  • IO: The Ballad of Jack and Rose The Ballad of Jack and Rose
  • IO: The Ballad of Jack and Rose The Ballad of Jack and Rose
  • ID: The Ballad of Jack and Rose The Ballad of Jack and Rose
  • IT: La storia di Jack e Rose La storia di Jack e Rose
  • LT: Balade apie Džeką ir Rožę Balade apie Džeką ir Rožę
  • MX: Nunca te dejaré Nunca te dejaré
  • PH: The Ballad of Jack and Rose The Ballad of Jack and Rose
  • PL: Ballada o Jacku i Rose Ballada o Jacku i Rose
  • PT: A Balada de Jack e Rose A Balada de Jack e Rose
  • RU: Баллада о Джеке и Роуз Баллада о Джеке и Роуз
  • RS: Прича о Џеку и Роуз Прича о Џеку и Роуз
  • ES: La balada de Jack y Rose La balada de Jack y Rose
  • SE: The Ballad of Jack and Rose The Ballad of Jack and Rose
  • TR: Tehlikeli Masumiyet Tehlikeli Masumiyet
  • UA: The Ballad of Jack and Rose The Ballad of Jack and Rose
  • US: Rose and the Snake Rose and the Snake
  • US: The Ballad of Jack and Rose The Ballad of Jack and Rose
  • UY: La balada de Jack y Rose La balada de Jack y Rose
Fecha de lanzamiento 08 Apr 2005
Enlace IMDb
